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Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Call of David's Musical Key

“I am the one who is holy and true, and I have the keys that belonged to David. 
When I open a door, no one can close it. And when I close a door, no one can open it. Listen to what I say.” Revelation 3:7 CEV

Did Habakkuk actually ‘sing’ his prayer that is written as his third chapter? 
What connection did Elisha understand between music and a prophetic word? 
When Elisha needed to bring a WORD of the LORD for the moment, 
he asked for music to be played.  
“But now bring me a musician.” And when the musician played, 
the hand of the Lord came upon him. 2 Kings 3:15 ESV

The Psalms were actual songs.  
Did the words come to David after the musical chords?  
Is something awakened in the spirit by listening to music? 
What hidden treasures of life did GOD reveal to David in his songs?
Is there anything we might be missing in the ‘all the earth’ part of Psalm 98:4? 
“All the earth, Shout for joy to the LORD! Break into song! Rejoice! Sing praises!”

David penned those words thousands of years before a British musician, David Hindley, would slow the bird song down to make a wonderful discovery. “There are parallels between the skylark’s blizzard of notes and Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony; between the woodlark's mind-numbingly complex song and J.S.Bach's 48 Preludes and Fugues. It changes its tune according to the rules of classical sonata form.” 

Did the young shepherd boy understand the symphony he was hearing in the bird song?  Did he understand the marvel in the dawn chorus was the fact that the early morning is the most opportune time to sing because songs broadcast at dawn can be 20 times as effective as those broadcast at midday? 

Could this be a reason that more often than not, we hear GOD upon our early morning awakening? “I spoke to you, rising up early and speaking, but you did not listen, and I called you, but you did not answer.”  Jeremiah 7:13 One New Man Bible

Did David know what present day farmers would believe; that sound affects plant growth? Because of this proposition, a product has been developed to help plants grow that uses the same frequency as singing birds. 

Was David thinking about our dusty origins, Genesis 3:19, when he wrote that all the earth should break into song?  Did he know that the mineral proportion of our bodies is the same proportion as that of dirt? Did David have any inkling about DNA when he wanted all his ‘inward parts’ to bless the LORD?
Bless, O my soul, Jehovah, And all my inward parts -- His Holy Name. 
Psalm 103:1 YLT

Whether David knew any of this, it’s amazing how scientists may 
unwittingly be proving truth behind his words. 

“While searching for the chemical origins of life, Shsumu Onnu found something unexpected: a waltz. Bored with tedious mathematical equations, the geneticist decided to convert chemical formulas for living cells into musical notes. He figured listening to the complex genetic codes, rather than staring at them, would make elusive patterns easier to detect. In the process, Onnu discovered genes…carry a tune. The tunes he found were not just the interesting random notes which other scientists had predicted…Onnu found genuine music…sometimes with an uncanny similarity to the works of great composers.

Translated into sheet music and performed on the piano, a portion of mouse RNA…sounds like a lively waltz. Except for its quicker tempo, parts of the mouse RNA Waltz are dead ringers for passages in Frederick Chopin’s “Nocturnal Opus 55.”

The musical score within a cancer-causing oncogene sounds somber and funereal, while the gene responsible for bestowing transparency on the lens of the eye is filled with trills and flourishes…When Onnu translated a funeral march by Chopin from notes to chemical equations, “entire passages appear identical to a cancer gene found in humans…the same patterns which govern the movement of planets and galaxies also appear in genes and in music.”  Dr. Jill Niemark   

Does this scientifically prove that our ‘inward parts’ are singing?  
Are we waiting for the music to release our song?  Will any song work?

In music, many different notes form a chord which together forms a key. There are instruments that are ‘electronically’ keyed. When played together in proper sequence, that ‘key’ unlocks the door to that instrument's particular circuit, and that instrument only! No other instrument has that same key or is tuned to respond to that same key. And only when that sequence of tones -- that key of its music, is played to that particular instrument -- only then does that instrument come to life and action. (To accomplish a certain task, such as in the case of the telephone.) 

Zephaniah states that God is singing over us.
"For the Lord your God is living among you. 
He is a mighty savior. 
He will take delight in you with gladness. 
With his love, he will calm all your fears. 
He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” 
Zephaniah 3:17

It's just like the LORD is singing a series of tone signals in His Spirit, and it is making active the mechanism of our spirit to bring each of us to life in the Spirit -- to bring us into action!

It may seem to others that God is singing (speaking) in different ways.  

I think it is we are just 'keyed' differently. 

Different numbers on the phone pad 'keys' a different set of chords to make active the phone with the sequence of numbers we dial. Everyone has a different phone number. 

Only keying the right number will get us connected to the person we want.

It’s not only scientists that seem to accidentally support the scriptures but some ‘secular’ songs can reveal things to us.  As I took a break from writing this, I turned on the TV to catch this song, “Only Hope”, in the movie, “A Walk to Remember”. Couldn’t believe it when I heard these lines:

When it feels like my dreams are so far,
Sing to me of the plans that You have for me over again
I give you my destiny, I'm giving You all of me
I want Your symphony singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs, I'm giving it back
I pray to be only Yours!

We are commanded to listen to Him who holds the Keys that belonged to David. 
Do you hear HIM singing His plans for you? We know He's at the door.  
Are you ready to ‘answer’ His call?

I'm not endorsing the product advertised in this video.

We are sung, musically into form. I love this fact. We are all part of a symphony, a choreography of a score. But we bring love to the game...that is our essence our participation and our ultimate goal.." Stuart Mitchell

When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, 
they were all with one accord in one place. Acts 2:1

ACCORD: Harmony of minds.  
Maybe those 'tongues of fire' were actually in the shape of musical notes?!!